Lyme Alliance Empowerment Circle

Join Us Online, free admission
3rd Tuesdays, every month
6pm - 7:15pm pst

Developed and offered by the San Diego Lyme Alliance, an affiliate of the Bay Area Lyme Foundation

We welcome anyone navigating Lyme disease and co-diagnoses, including caretakers.

We know it can feel hopeless and isolating. You are not alone! Our community is strong and here to share stories of hope, healing and resilience.

  • Shared Resources

  • Community Support

  • Calming Practices

  • Hope & Healing

Join our Empowerment Circle

We host live online gatherings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

Gather with us monthly in a compassionate community setting to be led in evidence-based curriculum, practicing tools that are proven to help move the nervous system from fight or flight to rest and repair.

Meet the Facilitation & Support Team

  • Erica Skone-Rees

    Certified SSP Practitioner, Mindfulness Teacher & Nervous System Regulation Coach. Founder of Woven Path Wellness

  • Shannon Hopkins

    Certified Shamanic Bodywork & Intuitive Development Coaching. Founder of Blessingways.

  • Kristin Yamaka

    Certified Mindfulness Mentor and Teacher

  • Arielle Leleu

    Certified Health and Wellness Coach

  • Schuyler

    Licensed Minister, Certified Angelic Healer, Writer

  • Charlotte Woody


  • Sharon Wampler

    of the San Diego Lyme Alliance,
    Lyme Advocate, Research Scientist & Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor

  • Mark Guay

    of the Empowerment Circle,
    Leadership & Men’s Coach

All of YOU is Welcome

Please, come as you are. All of you is welcome here, and you belong.

Your religious identity is welcome. Your level of ability is welcome. Your race and culture are welcome. Your age is welcome. Your gender & sexual orientation are welcome. Your anxiety is welcome. Your fears are welcome. Your joy and your grief are welcome. Your worries and blessings are welcome. Your disease and diagnosis are welcome. Your political affiliation is welcome. Your weight is welcome. Your level of familiarity with meditation and mindfulness are welcome. Your ideas are welcome. Your uncertainty is welcome.

Every part of you, mentioned here or not, is welcome.

Please Read the Agreements for Multicultural Interactions -adopted from EBMC & Visions Inc.,
“Guidelines for Productive Sessions”

  1. TRY IT ON: Be willing to “try on” new ideas, or ways of doing things that might not be what you prefer or are familiar with.

  2. PRACTICE SELF FOCUS: Attend to and speak about your own experiences and responses. Do not speak for a whole group or express assumptions about the experience of others.

  3. UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INTENT AND IMPACT: Try to understand and acknowledge impact. Denying the impact of something said by focusing on intent is often more destructive than the initial interaction.

  4. PRACTICE “BOTH / AND”: When speaking, substitute “and” for “but.” This practice acknowledges and honors multiple realities.

  5. REFRAIN FROM BLAMING OR SHAMING SELF & OTHERS: Practice giving skillful feedback.

  6. MOVE UP / MOVE BACK: Encourage full participation by all present. Take note of who is speaking and who is not. If you tend to speak often, consider “moving back” and vice versa.

  7. PRACTICE MINDFUL LISTENING: Try to avoid planning what you’ll say as you listen to others. Be willing to be surprised, to learn something new. Listen with your whole self.

  8. CONFIDENTIALITY: Take home learnings but don’t identify anyone other than yourself, now or later. If you want to follow up with anyone regarding something they said in this session, ask first and respect their wishes.

  9. RIGHT TO PASS: You can say “I pass” if you don’t wish to speak.

1:1 Coaching is available~

Let me be your ally

I am an integrative health coach. As an ally, I assist with navigating the mental, emotional and practical challenges of living with daily symptoms, health emergencies and trauma, fear of the unknown, grief, and all of the additional emotions we experience with challenging health.

I will provide a safe space for you to share, be witnessed and held, and provide evidence based practices for improving your quality of life.